Blog Article Problem Oriented Optimization (POO) Best Practices
Blog article titles are good place to exercise problem oriented optimization. Instead of focusing on writing articles about what a product or service does, focus on writing articles that iterate or address the problems that consumers face. These topics will likely contain longtail combinations of keywords designed to drive specific, targeted traffic.
Problem oriented topics can also be general problems that are relevant to a specific customer base. For example, if a company specializing in small business debt mitigation will certainly want to optimize for keywords relating to small business debt. This business should create blog content around problems relating to small businesses and finance. By writing articles that help small businesses address how to work with credit, how to raise capital, and other critical small business finance issues, this blog will become a valuable resource for prospective customers as well as bring in high quality search traffic and prospects who – although they may not fit your immediate exact targeting parameters – are also potential customers.
For example, this blog article is optimized around the specific long-tail problem phrase of "How Can I Use Blogging to Drive eCommerce Traffic?" Since it's a very long keyword phrase, it's unlikely that there are many other pages or articles that have the exact title. Therefore, if someone types that exact phrase into a search engine it increases the chances that this website and this article will be found. Since people frequently use search engines to help them solve very specific problems, this is a query that someone could very realistically type exactly into Google. Since anyone wanting to drive eCommerce traffic through blogging could very probably benefit from buying our book on How to Sell Better Than Amazon, they're definitely traffic that we want to drive to our website!