Blog Article Call to Action Best Practices
One of the great values of business blog articles is the fact that they can be optimized to be found organically and socially for longtail keyword phrases. Properly optimized articles will l frequently generate possible leads or prospective customers.
Therefore, business articles should include a primary and a secondary call to action on the actual blog article page. Their are specific differences and tactical applications of primary versus secondary calls to action, but in general primary call to action – such as buy now or request a demo – goes above the fold and to the right of the article in the secondary call to action – such as “download the ultimate guide to a topic relating to the article you just read” goes at the end of the article copy. The presence of effective calls to action on the blog article page allow you to capture real value from the organic search traffic to whom that blog article page is their first touch.
For example, in this blog article, the "Buy The Book" Call to Action in the top of the right hand column of this blog article is our primary action (after all, our goal is to sell you copies of our book just like your goal is to sell whatever you sell). Our secondary Call to Action is the button below that gives you an offer that's relevant to another phase of the buying cycle - the research phase. Even though you may not be ready to buy our book right now (although, you really should be - so click here if you are!), you are probably interested in a bunch of free consulting from the authors.
That being said...