Don't Hit a Debt Ceiling with PPC

by admin


July 31, 2011 at 9:22 PM

The American Debt ceiling debate is in full swing... politics aside, there is a lesson for marketers to learn here. Don't get caught up in high debt with ineffective PPC ads. Instead focus on these organic search and paid search strategies to minimize your debt and maximize your profits.

1. Invest for the Future: The absolute best way to avoid the reliance on expensive PPC ads to generate revenue is to invest in a blog that consistently publishes high quality, keyword rich content. A blog will act as an annuity that will allow your online store to continually generate targeted traffic while decreasing the dependance on PPC ads.

2. Listen to the People: It is not enough to just write a blog these days. You must engage with both your customers and prospective customers in social media to generate social shares of your website. Major search engines have put a lot of emphasis on social mentions. It has even been noted by SEOmoz, the most credible SEO experts in the industry, that social mentions affect organic search ranking results.

3. Bring in More Than You Spend: Make sure you are segmenting and even creating A/B test groups of your landing pages for all of your PPC campaigns. Ensure that you are not sending PPC traffic to your homepage but instead product or offer pages that will instead convert at higher conversion rates. This will net you a higher quality score which will decrease your overall PPC spend.

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