3 Steps to Creating Traffic and Lead Generation Content for Ecommerce

by admin


August 2, 2011 at 10:51 PM

Lead generation for eCommerce stores typically comes from coupons, contests and perhaps abandoned cart email collection.  However, remarkable content properly packaged can be an additional avenue for both traffic and lead generation. Remarkable content in blog articles and in downloadable guides will  serve your website well in both rising in the SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Page) and collecting new leads to nurture to purchase.

Step 1.  Write down 5 of the best questions customers or prospects have asked about your products.  These five questions will be your next five blog posts.  For example, a seller of fireglass pits may have been asked these questions:

  • How is the ambiance of a fireglass pit versus a real fire?

  • What is the best types of glass to use in a fireglass pit?

  • Can you use fireglass pits indoors?

  • How do convert wood burning pit into a fireglass pit?

  • Are fireglass pits portable?  Can they be taken camping?

These questions that will generate organic search traffic to your store.  Chances are that if someone has asked you that question before, someone, somewhere around the world is going to Google that same question.  Write the question as the blog post title and use the content of the blog post to answer it  to drive traffic!

Step 2.  Adapt those five blog posts into a single document and save it as a PDF to be used as a downloadable guide.  Design a nice cover for this document using an image editing program such as Photoshop and make that the first page.  This will be a guide that you offer to visitors whom are interested in learning more about your product in a comprehensive manner.  A large percentage of first time visitors to your website will not purchase from you on their first visit.  They will likely be in research mode.  Don't let all of this traffic slip away!  Offer them a guide that they can download in exchange for an email address!

Step 3.  Create a call to action and landing page to promote your offer.  The call to action button linking to your landing page could be used on just about any of your website pages.  I recommend to place the call to action on your most trafficked pages including the home page, category/pages and blog posts.  The graph below details the conversion path a visitor would take to become a lead on your website and hopefully helps to illustrate the process

Congratulations!  You have now created your first set of traffic and lead generation content!

The steps I have detailed above will help you get started with traffic and lead generation content... but keep in mind that there are many additional and advanced ways to develop more!  Stay tuned to my eCommerce Blog, check out the Essential Ecommerce Blogs and read all of the articles from HubSpot for Lead Generation to learn more.

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